Home » Stephen Colbert gleefully responds to viral clip of himself dancing with Oprah

Stephen Colbert gleefully responds to viral clip of himself dancing with Oprah

Stephen Colbert gleefully responds to viral clip of himself dancing with Oprah

A man on a talk show stage gestures. Next to him is another image of dancing at a party.

Over the weekend a glorious clip of Stephen Colbert dancing with Oprah to Beyoncé’s “CUFF IT” went viral on Instagram, after it was shared by the legendary talk show host herself.

“I broke the internet dancing with Oprah at Gayle King’s birthday party. Not only did I bust a move, I might have torn a hamstring,” says Colbert in the Late Show clip above, referring to the video.

“It was a lovely night. Evie and I were honoured to have been invited, and when everyone was out on the dance floor, Evie said, ‘Look, no-one’s dancing with Oprah. Go ask Oprah to dance.’ So I got up and I did, and Oprah posted it straight to her Insta. Sources are saying this holiday season, I’m Oprah’s favorite thing,” Colbert says.

“I thought about twirling Oprah, but I immediately realised, you don’t twirl Oprah. You twirl for Oprah. Or as she called it, my ‘triple piroutte.’ Evie has a slightly different name for that move, it’s the ‘Stephen, please stop.'”

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 Stephen Colbert has responded to a viral clip of himself dancing with Oprah at Gayle King’s party over the weekend.