Home » Soros pushed $15M to nonprofit linked to Biden super PAC to test ‘critical’ policy issues, tax docs reveal

Soros pushed $15M to nonprofit linked to Biden super PAC to test ‘critical’ policy issues, tax docs reveal

George Soros-funded group pushed more than $15 million to a nonprofit tied to President Biden’s main outside super PAC for the 2024 elections to evaluate crucial policy matters, records reveal.

Tax documents provided to Fox News Digital show that the Open Society Policy Center, an advocacy nonprofit in the Soros-bankrolled Open Society Foundations network, funneled $15.18 million to Future Forward USA Action in 2022 for research and “content testing on critical policy issues.” 

Future Forward USA Action is the dark money nonprofit arm of the Future Forward PAC, which Biden’s team heightened as the leading external group to rake in big money and aid his re-election efforts.

“For someone who claims to disdain dark money, President Biden seems quite comfortable with the king of dark money propping up an outside group spending big to push his agenda,” Caitlin Sutherland, executive director of Americans for Public Trust, told Fox News Digital. “George Soros’ projects are notorious for pushing policies that undermine safety, democracy and the rule of law. By funneling money through this Biden-tied group, Soros is signaling that he and Biden are birds of a feather.”


It’s unclear precisely what kind of research and “critical” issues the Soros money went toward. Future Forward USA Action and the Open Society Foundations did not respond to Fox News Digital’s request for comment. 

The cash was likely a substantial part of Future Forward’s preparations before Biden and his confidants publicly elevated its PAC as the central outside political fundraising vehicle to back his candidacy this past summer. 

Meanwhile, Soros has donated significant amounts to backing Biden’s candidacy in the past and recently cut a $250,000 check to his victory fund. The financier’s son Alex, who now leads the Open Society Foundations network, has also been a frequent Biden White House visitor.


Biden is poised to benefit from considerable dark money due to the past arrangements and actions between Future Forward’s nonprofit and PAC.

Since the 2020 election, Future Forward USA Action – which does not identify its donors – has steered $77 million into the Future Forward PAC, according to a search of Federal Election Commission records. During that time, the PAC raised roughly $181 million, meaning that more than 40% of the Biden PAC’s funds came from its affiliated dark money nonprofit.

The records also show Future Forward’s PAC and nonprofit share employees. In June, the PAC reported $55,798 in in-kind donations for “staff time and overhead” from its nonprofit arm.

These actions will likely continue throughout the 2024 cycle, ultimately leaving the public in the dark about significant benefactors assisting the leading outside group backing Biden as the election draws closer.

Senior White House adviser Anita Dunn said Future Forward “really earned its place as the pre-eminent super PAC” to back Biden for the upcoming elections after they dropped $141 million on independent expenditures during the last presidential election cycle.

“In 2020, when they really appeared from nowhere and started placing advertising, the Biden campaign was impressed by the effectiveness of the ads and the overall rigorous testing that had clearly gone into the entire project,” Dunn told The New York Times in July. 

Future Forward’s leader, Chauncey McLean, previously told the publication they would continue operating in the shadows as much as possible.

“We keep a low profile because we’re just not the story, we’re just not important,” McLean said. “I just don’t see any reason for popping our head up. That’s not going to change.”

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