Home » Jon Stewart hits out at the media’s obsessive Trump trial coverage

Jon Stewart hits out at the media’s obsessive Trump trial coverage

Jon Stewart hits out at the media’s obsessive Trump trial coverage

Donald Trump’s trial has been the focus of many hours of coverage over the past week — including on the Daily Show — and Jon Stewart isn’t happy about it. In the clip above he takes particular issue with the rolling news coverage, which has been focussed on everything from Trump’s car making its way to the court house to analysing Trump’s facial expressions in courtroom art.

“At some point in this trial, something important and revelatory is going to happen, but none of us are going to notice because of the hours spent on his speculative facial ticks,” Stewart says. “If the media tries to make us feel like the most mundane bullshit is earth-shattering, we won’t believe you when it’s really interesting. It’s your classic boy-who-cried-Wolf Blitzer.”

You can watch Jon Stewart’s other recent monologues here.

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​ Jon Stewart has taken aim at the media for their obsessive coverage of Trump’s trial on “The Daily Show”.