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Google Drive: Users are reporting that their files have disappeared

Google Drive: Users are reporting that their files have disappeared

Google Drive may have lost months of user data, according to reports.

Several users flocked to the Google Support forum complaining about disappearing files, according to Android Police. Google is investigating the issue, but doesn’t know the root cause yet — and hasn’t resolved it as of this writing.

Users claim they’ve lost months of Google Drive data

The issue was first pointed out by a user named Yeonjoong, who noticed files going back to May 2023 were gone. Yeonjoong’s Google Drive seemed to have reverted to its status from last May even though they hadn’t made any changes. “No files was [sic] deleted manually, so no files in Trash. I never sync or shared my files and drive to anyone, I used the drive locally,” said the post. Despite working with the Google support team, Yeonjoong still hasn’t been able to recover the files.

After Yeonjoong published the original post, at least ten users chimed in to add that they, too, lost months of data. Other users have posted separately about the issue. Despite troubleshooting with the support team, they also haven’t been able to recover their files. Many users said the missing data is critical, work-related files.

One of the users managed to get a message from Google, which acknowledged the issue has affected multiple customers: “This is now being investigated by our Product Engineers and we are also waiting for a root cause analysis as well on how we can fix it.” Because it is still being investigated, the engineers don’t have an ETA on when it will be resolved.

Until then, the message recommended not making any changes on the Drive root folder until engineers can provide further instructions.

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​ Several Google Drive users have suddenly lost months of files. The disappearing files has become a trending topic on the Google support forum, and engineers are investigating the issue.