Families fear that James Cleverly’s proposals, which more than double the earnings threshold, could force separation and exile
There was growing anger on Saturday night over the government’s “love only for the rich” plans that would force thousands of British families to choose whether to split or go into exile.
James Cleverly, the home secretary, announced last week that a British citizen who wants to sponsor their foreign spouse to live with them in the UK will need to earn at least £38,700 a year to qualify for a family visa application.
Continue reading… The Guardian Read More Families fear that James Cleverly’s proposals, which more than double the earnings threshold, could force separation and exileThere was growing anger on Saturday night over the government’s “love only for the rich” plans that would force thousands of British families to choose whether to split or go into exile.James Cleverly, the home secretary, announced last week that a British citizen who wants to sponsor their foreign spouse to live with them in the UK will need to earn at least £38,700 a year to qualify for a family visa application. Continue reading…