The overall crypto market cap rose by over eight percent in the last 24 hours. Bitcoin has recorded a 16-month high, reaching the price point of $33,623 (roughly Rs. 27.9 lakh). The excitement towards BTC ETFs in the US is driving up the prices of several altcoins. Alongside BTC – Ether, Binance Coin, Ripple, Solana, and Cardano clocked profits. Cronos and Leo, howe… Gadgets 360 Read More
The overall crypto market cap rose by over eight percent in the last 24 hours. Bitcoin has recorded a 16-month high, reaching the price point of $33,623 (roughly Rs. 27.9 lakh). The excitement towards BTC ETFs in the US is driving up the prices of several altcoins. Alongside BTC – Ether, Binance Coin, Ripple, Solana, and Cardano clocked profits. Cronos and Leo, howe…