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The ultimate guide to having sex at a festival 

The ultimate guide to having sex at a festival 


Festival season is officially upon us. Glastonbury is right around the corner. And as we head into the height of summer, there will be a festival pretty much every other day. 

If you’re a festival ticket holder this year, there are probably a few things you’re planning on doing: having a few drinks, eating some great food, seeing some of your favourite bands, trying not to think about the fact you’ll be sleeping on the ground for a weekend. And, of course, having sex

According to research from sex toy company Lovehoney, 39 percent of Brits have had sex at a festival. This figure grows among younger people, too. Over half (55 percent) of those aged 18 to 34 have had sex at a festival at some point. Yet, festival sex is a complete pain in the arse. Or the genitals. Or wherever else you plan on having sex. In fact, only 12 percent of those surveyed said that festival sex was great and 12 percent saying it was ‘just okay’. So, what’s going wrong?

Yes, festival sex is fun, and it’s practically a rite of passage, but it’s a complete nightmare to facilitate. You’re not sure when you’re going to get a proper, hot shower (even if you’ve paid for the bougie pamper pass upgrades), you’ve often drank so much you’re not sure if you really should have sex but you’re still horny, and the only place you have to bring someone back to is a tiny pop-up two-man tent tightly packed with all your belongings, and possibly your mate having a snooze. 

It’s inevitably going to happen though. So, we spoke to the experts as well as those who love shagging at festivals to see how to do it best. 

Prepare for festival sex before you head off

The first part of preparing for sex comes before the festival even happens. Ask yourself, are you probably going to have sex at this festival? Are you single? Bringing your partner with you? Have you had sex at a festival before? Consider whether you’re likely to have sex and if your answer is even a “maybe,” you should take it as a “yeah, probably” and prepare thoroughly. 

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Before heading to the festival, make sure you take an STI test so you know where you stand sexual health-wise. While purchasing a tent and stocking up on supplies might be at the forefront of your pre-festival checklist, it’s essential to prioritise getting an STI test, especially if it’s likely you’ll be doing it with a new sexual partner and even if you plan on using a condom. 

Pippa Murphy, sex expert at condom provider condoms.co.uk says this will “not only safeguard your future partners but also provide you with peace of mind, allowing you to fully enjoy the moment while being intimate.”

“Although some festivals, like Glastonbury, distribute free condoms, buying and bringing your own is wise to ensure you’re prepared.”

And speaking of condoms, you’ll need to bring plenty of those — or whatever your preferred barrier contraception method is — even if you have a consistent sexual partner. “Although some festivals, like Glastonbury, distribute free condoms, buying and bringing your own is wise to ensure you’re prepared,” Murphy says. 

“This is especially crucial if you have a latex allergy and need a non-latex alternative. Even if you or your regular partner are using other forms of contraception, I’d still recommend that you bring condoms as naturally having sex in a small tent can make for a messy job — and it’s always in the most awkward of times where you realise you forgot to bring anything that can help clean up the mess.”

28-year-old Ella* says festival sex is her “favourite kind of sex” and recommends stocking up on the morning after pill before-hand if possible, too. “I try to just to hand and oral sex at festivals as there’s less chance of STI or pregnancy mis-haps, but I’m also realistic and know that, after a few pints, I’m gonna want a full-on fuck,” she says. So, she brings along some emergency contraception just in case. 

“Condoms just rip sometimes, man. Or they fall off or you forget to put them on when you’re being stupid. The last thing you want is to be in the middle of a field thinking ‘oh my god’ when you’ve had an accident, so I bring a morning-after pill with me.” Ella adds that condoms also reduce “mess” during sex for the receiver, so they’re a win-win. 

“The last thing you want is to be in the middle of a field thinking ‘oh my god’ when you’ve had an accident, so I bring a morning-after pill with me.”

For those in the queer community, it’s also worth taking Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) with you to festivals. As Murphy notes, sometimes drunk festival go-ers skip past the important pre-sex conversations where STI status would be disclosed, and sometimes condoms get forgotten in the heat of the moment. If there’s any chance you could ever be at risk of contracting HIV, PrEP reduces your chance of transmission down by 99 percent and it is available for free on the NHS. Though, keep in mind that it doesn’t protect against any other STIs, and you should still get tested after every new partner even if you’re on PrEP. 

While we don’t recommend having any unprotected sex at a festival, these measures will have your back if accidents happen. Keep in mind that LARCs (Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives) like the implant, pill, injection or coil do not protect from STIs and a condom should be worn with new sexual partners. You can get the morning after pill from Superdrug, Boots, and most pharmacies both in-person and online.  

Consider post-sex packing too

You know how, after sex, there can be a bit of… mess? On you and on the bed? Now imagine that in a small tent with limited access to good showers! Yeah, you’re going to need to pack some items for after sex as well.

It might be worth upgrading your ticket to one that includes warm shower access if you’re a top festival shagger. But whether you have access to post-sex clean-downs or not, Murphy says wet wipes, hand sanitiser, and a towel are worth packing to keep things clean. 

Yeah, you’re going to need to pack some items for after sex as well.

“It’s important to practise hygienic sex to prevent an infection. If you’re camping, you should take hand sanitiser to keep your hands and fingernails clean for foreplay, and general skin-to-skin contact,” Murphy advises. 

You should also pack fragrance-free wet wipes that are ideal for cleaning yourself pre- and post-sex (along with extra underwear which you can never have too much of whilst at a festival). The “fragrance free” part of the wipes is important, particularly for people with vaginas, as some fragrances and chemicals can alter the pH balance of the vagina and result in conditions like thrush, UTIs, or BV.  

Another good wet wipe festival hack: take them, or your own toilet paper, with you to the toilet at festivals (either find flushable fragrance free wipes, or keep hold of non-flushable wipes and dispose of them afterwards). As a woman, it’s essential to bring toilet paper and vagina-safe wet wipes with you when going to the toilets to have a wee. Women are at a higher risk of developing UTIs at festivals due to the “shaking clean method” often employed when they discover a lack of toilet paper. To prevent this, using vagina-safe wet wipes and toilet paper is the most effective approach, as both offer a more thorough cleaning. This reduces the likelihood of infections and helps maintain overall genital hygiene.

“Changing your underwear regularly can help maintain good hygiene and prevent discomfort from sweat and dirt, especially if you don’t have access to any showers,” Murphy says, so bring loads of clean pants. 

“I’d also recommend bringing a small, lightweight towel or blanket to lay on during sex. This provides a barrier between you and the potentially dirty ground, ensuring a cleaner and more comfortable experience so you can stay within the moment,” she adds. 

What to do if you’re on the pill at a festival

If you take the contraceptive pill, set an alarm so you don’t forget to take your contraception at the same time each day. Festivals often involve packed schedules, late nights, and numerous distractions. Amid the excitement, it can be easy to forget about taking your contraception, especially if you’re drinking alcohol or taking other substances as this can impair your memory and decision-making skills.

“Setting a reminder or alarm will ensure you don’t miss a dose as even one lapse in your routine can lead to an unintended pregnancy. Also, knowing that you have a reminder set can alleviate anxiety about forgetting to take your contraception. This peace of mind allows you to fully enjoy the festival experience without unnecessary worry,” Murphy says. 

If you are on the pill and happen to forget, Murphy says to take it as soon as you remember. And if you miss two days, check the instructions included in your pill packet and follow their suggestion. 

Remember that if you lose your contraception during the course of the festival, a lot of festivals now have contraception tents set up where you can access condoms and the morning after pill. Some also have HIV and other STI testing spaces, which are worth using if you ever have any concerns. 

What to consider before having sex at a festival

Before getting intimate at a festival, there are several factors to consider to ensure a safe, comfortable, and enjoyable experience for both you and your partner — especially if one or both of you are high or drunk, which tends to happen a lot at festivals. 

Murphy says there are four factors, in particular, that need looking out for: 


Intoxication can impair a person’s ability to give informed and enthusiastic consent. Ensure that both you and your partner are sober enough to provide clear and ongoing consent throughout the encounter. If it’s not an enthusiastic ‘yes!’, it’s a no.

“If your partner is intoxicated, prioritise their welfare over your sexual frustration and wait until they’re sober enough to give clear consent,” says Murphy. Maybe you can meet up another time when your heads are more clear. You can read Mashable’s guide to drunk sex and whether it’s ever okay here


Alcohol or drug use can affect a person’s ability to communicate effectively, which is essential for discussing boundaries, preferences, and any concerns. “These should be discussed when you’re sober enough to have a conversation about all of the above,” Murphy says. 


Intoxication can increase the likelihood of engaging in risky behaviours or making poor decisions, such as not using protection or engaging in unsafe sexual practices. Keep everything you need for safe sex in an easy-to-grab bag in your tent or on your person with items like protection and lube to make it easier to access everything you need. 

Where to have sex at a festival and how to navigate it if you feel awkward

One word we’d never use to describe festival sex: discreet. If you’re someone who prefers privacy for sex, festivals can make that tricky. You might have to just accept that your tent is going to wobble and people might hear you (it’s all part of the festival vibes, really!) but if you do want discretion, there’s some things you can try. 

Murphy says “Having sex at a festival can be an exciting and unique experience, however, if you’re walked in on or spotted having sex, it can turn an adrenaline-pumping experience into an awkward one. With this in mind, the best place to have sex is somewhere that offers privacy, comfort and safety — which is likely to be your tent.” 

So, make sure your tent is pitched flat and is prevented from shaking too much. “Uneven ground can cause your tent to wobble more easily which may cause unwanted attention. To prevent this further, I’d also recommend placing heavy objects inside the corners of your tent to weigh it down to reduce the shaking even more,” Murphy recommends.

22-year-old Tammy* is a frequent festival goer and self-confessed “top festival shagger”, and she recommends bringing a portable speaker along for sex, too. “Portable speakers are a must at festivals anyway for getting ready vibes and campsite parties, but they’re also good to have in your tent or just outside of it during sex to drown out any sex noises,” she tells Mashable.  

“You can also shag during the daytime or when one of the main acts you don’t care about are on as there won’t be that many people in the camp site,” she adds. 

Murphy recommends looking for “chill out zones” where sex can be more private, too. “Some festivals even provide designated areas for relaxation and intimacy. These spaces are typically more secluded and can offer a more comfortable environment for sex.” If your festival isn’t providing these, you might find some areas that make for a natural chill-out zone after some exploring.  

As for when to have sex, it’s probably best to have it sooner rather than later. Of course, you can have sex whenever you like but considering the lack of cleaning facilities and the general grubbiness of festivals, you might want to shag early into the festival. 

Murphy says, “As the festival goes on, your tent is more likely to get dirtier as you head in and out of it, or if you only have wet wipes to clean yourself. Secondly, whilst festivals are fun, they’re also physically demanding so you may lose your libido and energy for sex as the days go on,” she says.   

Remember that festivals are all about the fun and spontaneous atmosphere, and you’re better off embracing this than trying to have “perfect” sex (impossible at the best of times, let alone at festivals). If you take the unique setting and awkward moments into your stride and find ways to laugh together, the pressure will diffuse and you’ll have a much more relaxed time. 

This article was first published in 2023 and republished in 2024.

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​ How do you have sex at a festival? What should you pack to prepare for festival sex? Where should you have sex at a festival?