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Brick by brick, this autonomous robot is transforming construction

Brick by brick, this autonomous robot is transforming construction

Autonomous robots are now skilled bricklayers. In an industry-first, Dutch startup Monumental has created innovative construction robots by using AI, autonomous tech, and low-cost hardware. In 2023, the company completed its first large-scale,15-meter facade or an office and warehouse building, and has since deployed its robots on other projects, including social housing.

While a lack of housing and increasing costs put 82 million Europeans at risk of homelessness, over half of the EU is facing a severe shortage of bricklayers. Monumental, which recently raised $25 million in funding, is hoping to soon deploy larger numbers of robots to try and fix the looming crisis.

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​ Dutch startup Monumental may soon be deploying its automated bricklaying robots across Europe.