You can now search your saved lists and locations in Google Maps, which might be just the tool you need to find that one cool spot you bookmarked weeks ago.
As spotted by 9to5Google, Google’s handy “Saved” feature now lets you search, which means you can parse through webpages you bookmarked, Discover tabs, and locations you saved in Maps. So if you’ve saved lots of cool cafes, bars, restaurants, clubs, bookstores, hobby shops — whatever you’re into — they’re now searchable. Funny it took this long for the search tech company to introduce this feature.
The search functionality is obvious and easy to use. You simply navigate to your “Saved” section and use the magnifying glass search tool.
Now, if you’re not using the “Saved” section of your Google account — perhaps like the person writing this article — now could be the time to start. How To Geek wrote a helpful piece explaining why the feature is great but in short, saving locations is a way to create a virtual Rolodex of places you like, things you want to visit, and lots more. You can also create custom lists — things like “Taco Spots I Love” — and forever have them saved, even if you can’t remember names or locations offhand.
With the ability to search, those lists will prove even more helpful.
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Google will now let you search saved locations, which means it’ll be easy to find that cool new spot you bookmarked.