Home » NASA shares 25 jaw-dropping space images from Chandra X-ray Observatory

NASA shares 25 jaw-dropping space images from Chandra X-ray Observatory

NASA shares 25 jaw-dropping space images from Chandra X-ray Observatory


Space images never get old, do they?

To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Chandra X-ray Observatory being launched into space, NASA has published 25 brand new images snapped by the telescope — everything from supermassive black holes to supernova remnants. The telescope’s X-ray technology allows it to light up regions of space that scientists wouldn’t otherwise be able to see, including the matter orbiting black holes and exploding star debris.

“For a quarter century, Chandra has made discovery after amazing discovery,” said Pat Slane, director of the Chandra X-ray Center. “Astronomers have used Chandra to investigate mysteries that we didn’t even know about when we were building the telescope — including exoplanets and dark energy.”

You can see the full gallery here, but we’ve picked out five images below along with their descriptions to give you a taste.

NGC 6872

Credit: NASA

“In this composite image, a large spiral galaxy has some of its superheated gas stolen by a smaller, nearby neighbor. Centered in the frame, NGC 6872 is a large spiral galaxy with two elongated arms that stretch toward our upper right and lower left. Near the white dot at the heart of the galaxy, a cloud of neon purple tints the arms, which appear steel blue at the tips. The purple represents hot gas detected by Chandra. Just to the upper left of NGC 6872 is a second spiral galaxy. Its spiraling arms are much smaller, but the bright white dot at its core is quite large, suggesting a supermassive black hole. Some of the steel blue matter and gas from NGC 6872’s lower arm appears to be floating toward the smaller galaxy, likely pulled toward the supermassive black hole.”

NGC 1365

Credit: NASA

“This composite image features a close look at the supermassive black hole at the heart of the spiral galaxy known as NGC 1365. The brilliant black hole glows white at the center of the image, its outer edges tinted bright blue. From this core, two thick ropey red arms spiral out. Continuing their spiral curves, the arms extend well beyond the edges of the frame. Dotting the image are a series of white spots with neon blue outer edges. These are stars paired with smaller black holes or neutron stars, observed by Chandra.”

MSH 15-52

Credit: NASA

“In this composite image, a pulsar, a pulsar wind nebula, and a low energy X-ray cloud combine to create an uncanny scene of a skeletal hand preparing to grab a glowing ember. The hand reaches up from the bottom of the image, the ghostly blue flesh and white bones representing pulsar wind nebula X-rays observed by Chandra. A bright white spot in the wrist is the pulsar itself. Just beyond the hand’s fingertips, near our upper right, is a mottled yellow and orange shape that appears to glow from within. This is the low energy X-ray cloud observed by Chandra.”


Credit: NASA

“In this composite image of Jupiter, the fifth planet from the sun is set against the blackness of space, flanked by neon purple blobs. Here, Jupiter is presented in exceptionally clear focus. More than a dozen bands of swirling gas streak the surface, each a different texture and shade of grey. The gas giant is encircled by a fine, sky-blue ring, the same color as the large storm which swirls on its surface at our lower right. At the top edge of Jupiter, tilted just to our right of center, is a neon purple strip. A similar, smaller line of neon purple can be found at the bottom edge of the planet. Capping the planet’s magnetic poles, these purple strips represent X-ray auroras, created when high-energy particles collide with gas in the planet’s atmosphere. At our right and left, large hazy blobs of neon purple flank Jupiter, some larger than the gas giant itself. Like the auroras, these purple clouds represent X-rays observed by Chandra.”

M16 (Eagle Nebula)

Credit: NASA

“This composite image features a region of star formation known as the Pillars of Creation. Here, tall columns of grey gas and dust emerge from the bottom edge of the image, stretching toward our upper right. Backed by dark orange and pink mist, the cloudy grey columns are surrounded by dozens of soft, glowing, dots in whites, reds, blues, yellows, and purples. These dots are young stars emitting X-ray and infrared light. Churning with turbulent gas and dust, the columns lean to our right with small offshoots pointing in the same direction. The misty glow, colorful stars, and lifelike grey dust formations combine to create an image of yearning cloud creatures at dusk, reaching for something just out of frame.”

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​ NASA has shared 25 new images taken by the Chandra X-ray Observatory, to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the telescope being launched into space.